Storm Henk Hits Halwill Junction

Earlier this morning the UK Met Office gave the latest inclement weather that has headed our way over the festive season an official name. Storm Henk. Halwill Junction is also on the edge of their updated amber wind warning area:

Storm Henk will bring a spell of very strong winds, causing disruption to travel and utilities.

What to Expect

  • There is a good chance that power cuts may occur, with the potential to affect other services, such as mobile phone coverage
  • Probably some damage to buildings, such as tiles blown from roofs
  • Longer journey times and cancellations likely, as road, rail, air and ferry services may be affected
  • Flying debris is likely and could lead to Injuries or danger to life
  • Some roads and bridges likely to close
  • Injuries and danger to life is likely from large waves and beach material being thrown onto coastal roads, sea fronts and properties

The Environment Agency has issued a red flood warning for the Lower Torridge catchment:

Flooding is expected – act now
Flood warning area: riverside locations and roads between Dolton and Bideford, including New Bridge, Beaford Bridge, Taddiport, Rolle Bridge, Weare Giffard, Annery Kiln, and the A386, A3124 and B3227 at Great Torrington and Taddiport.

As you can see from the map, there are also amber flood alerts in place for the Upper Tamar and other nearby catchment areas.

Storm Henk has arrived in Halwill Junction, and here are some moving pictures from the centre of the village accompanied by noisy sound effects:

To be continued…

Jim Hunt

I've been programming computers since the late 60s. In those days they didn't have computers in schools, so we had to build our own. What can I program next? Will I have to build it first?

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