The West Devon Weather

We hope to automate the process of producing a weather forecast and weather warning system for West Devon and the nearby coast. For the moment, however, this is almost all done manually.

Compare and contrast the view of Dartmoor from our office yesterday:

with today:

Here is today’s current weather forecast for Okehampton from the Met Office in Exeter:

Here too is this morning’s rain radar “observation”, also from the Met Office:

Finally, for the moment at least, here is the current Met Office rain forecast map for 3 PM this afternoon:

When the swell is onshore and the wind is offshore we have been known to jump into the North Atlantic Ocean somewhere along the north coast of Devon or Cornwall. Hence surf and water quality forecasts are also of interest:

To be continued…

Jim Hunt

I've been programming computers since the late 60s. In those days they didn't have computers in schools, so we had to build our own. What can I program next? Will I have to build it first?

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