September Sewage Pollution in South West England

The Met Office has issued a series of yellow weather warnings for heavy rain across Devon and Cornwall, from the evening of Wednesday September 4th until midnight on Friday September 6th!

The Met Office say that “There is a small chance of fast-flowing or deep floodwater. Where flooding occurs, there is a chance of delays or cancellations to train and bus services”.

Perhaps they should have added “There is a high chance of sewage pollution”?

[Update – September 5th]

The heavy rain has duly arrived, as shown by the NetWeather rain radar map:

This morning the Environment Agency issued numerous “Advice against bathing” warnings, and this afternoon South West Water’s “WaterFit Live” map reveals numerous sewage pollution incidents along both the north and south coasts of Devon:

Amongst the usual suspects on the south coast of Devon, there are ongoing sewage “spills” in Exmouth and Plymouth:

[Update – September 6th]

There’s been plenty more rain this morning:

There have also been plenty more sewage pollution incidents:

These include several local north coast surfing beaches:

The sewage pollution in Exmouth continues, but in Plymouth it finished at 22:37 last night:

[Update – September 7th]

No sooner has the previous warning of heavy rain expired than the Met Office issues another one:

By the early evening the rain has already arrived:

There are already several sewage pollution warnings along the south coast:

They include continuing pollution in Exmouth, and Fowey on the south coast of Cornwall:

[Update – September 8th]

The rain continues to fall this morning:

Hence the coast of South West England is now a sea of “pollution risk” warnings…

and sewage pollution incidents:

The sewage pollution in Exmouth continues, and there has been another multi-hour incident in Fowey:

Today’s sewage “spills” in North Cornwall include an ongoing incident at Harlyn Bay, plus others at Trevone, Mawgan Porth, Polzeath and Widemouth Bay:

[Update – September 9th]

At long last there is no rain visible on the radar this morning! However, that doesn’t mean the sewage pollution around our coasts has stopped!

The Environment Agency “advice against bathing” due to a “pollution incident” at Trevone Bay remains in place. There are also “pollution risk warnings” for Bude and Combe Martin:

South West Water’s WaterFit Live front page reports several sewage pollution “spills” over the last 12 hours. The multi-day pollution incidents at Exmouth and Seaton finally seem to have finished overnight.

[Update – September 10th]

After a dry day yesterday the only alert remaining on WaterFit Live is from Fowey yesterday morning:

However, the Environment Agency has issued a “pollution risk warning” for Combe Martin once again:

Now the clouds have opened over Exmoor once again:

[Update – September 11th]

The last blot on the South West’s coastal seascape is a continuing Environment Agency “pollution risk warning” for Combe Martin:

Hopefully the “all clear” will be sounded tomorrow?

[Update – September 12th]

It was not to be. The pollution risk warning for Combe Martin continues:

[Update – September 13th]

At long last the all clear has been sounded at Combe Martin:

The end of the water sampling season is rapidly approaching, so let’s take a look at the 2024 test results for Combe Martin:

Far from perfect, but much better than last year at least!

To be continued…

Jim Hunt

I've been programming computers since the late 60s. In those days they didn't have computers in schools, so we had to build our own. What can I program next? Will I have to build it first?

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