The Heavens Open in Halwill Junction

Yesterday was a (comparatively!) nice day, but this morning it’s raining again here in Halwill Junction. This is the Met Office’s 11:AM rainfall forecast:

There appears to be heavier rain heading for West Devon. Whilst we await future developments, further west a new sewage pollution alert has popped up on South West Water’s “Water Fit Live” map:


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Summer’s in the air, and sewage is in the sea

School summer holidays are starting. I don’t know if there is a causal relationship, but it probably won’t come as a huge surprise to many residents of West Devon that the UK Met Office’s rainfall map of the area looked like this yesterday afternoon:

As luck would have it, I had just set up our shiny new Twitter account so that I could report to the rest of the planet on yesterday’s exciting news from Halwill Junction football pitch.

Twitter insisted that I “follow” several other accounts, and of course South West Water was top of my list! Whereupon Elon Musk‘s latest (single) X algorithm suddenly revealed this to me:


Continue ReadingSummer’s in the air, and sewage is in the sea