Bank Holiday Sewage in the South West’s Seas

We could see it coming from many miles away:

Here is August Bank Holiday Friday’s first sewage pollution incident of the long weekend around the long coastline of South West England, courtesy of South West Water’s “Water Fit Live” map:


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The Heavens Open in Halwill Junction

Yesterday was a (comparatively!) nice day, but this morning it’s raining again here in Halwill Junction. This is the Met Office’s 11:AM rainfall forecast:

There appears to be heavier rain heading for West Devon. Whilst we await future developments, further west a new sewage pollution alert has popped up on South West Water’s “Water Fit Live” map:


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Summer’s in the air, and sewage is in the sea

School summer holidays are starting. I don’t know if there is a causal relationship, but it probably won’t come as a huge surprise to many residents of West Devon that the UK Met Office’s rainfall map of the area looked like this yesterday afternoon:

As luck would have it, I had just set up our shiny new Twitter account so that I could report to the rest of the planet on yesterday’s exciting news from Halwill Junction football pitch.

Twitter insisted that I “follow” several other accounts, and of course South West Water was top of my list! Whereupon Elon Musk‘s latest (single) X algorithm suddenly revealed this to me:


Continue ReadingSummer’s in the air, and sewage is in the sea